Lost Horizon
Short Film | Producer
Although this project never saw its way out of development, Lost Horizon provided several meaningful experiences. As a head producer on this film, I saw the script from it's earliest forms to completion, assembled a production team, organized locaiton scouts across the couintry, worked with concept artists to render our vision, shot production stills for promotional material, managed the film's budget and schedule, worked with vendors to ensure an affordable and appropiate camera and G&E package, designing the website, and produced the trailer for the film, and launched a Kickstarter.
At times it can feel like all this work was for nothing, however I beleive that low budget filmmaking requires taking risks, which sometimes mean failing, and not making the film. This failure in delivering a film, or even making it to production has given me more collaboraitve and intnse film experpeinces that make me feel more like a filmmaker than lots of other complete projects that I have made. I'm happy to work with friends who are willing to put faith into each other for projects like this one.
Check out the film's trailer, BTS video, Website, and kickstarter!
Concept art by James Rinere, Oki Honda, and Aldana Zenetta